Some Common Avian Diseases


Great NEW product for animals: REVIVE

Feather abnormalities caused by Circo virus – Apr 2021

Prevention of YBD – Apr 2021

Ken Groves on Medpet – Jan 2020

Latest update on YBD – Oct 2019

Diagnostic results – Jan-Sep 2019

NEW product: Tri-Cure – Oct 2019

Free testing service – April 2019

Intestinal Health and Probiotics

Common Avian Diseases – updated Aug 2023

Understanding Bacteria and Antibiotics – Jan 2023


Feather abnormalitiescaused by Circo virus – Apr 2021

Prevention of young bird disease – by Dr Rob Conradie – Apr 2021

Management of the Moult in Cage Birds (Dr Rob Conradie) – Nov 2020

Latest Testimonial from champion Ken Groves – Jan 2020

Young Bird Disease LATEST – Oct 2019

NEW PRODUCT: Tri-Cure – Oct 2019

Eye problems we are currently experiencing in pigeons in SA – July 2018 (courtesy Rob Conradie)

General countrywide diagnostic results, pigeon testing – January to June 2018

Cape diagnostic test results and Talk by Rob Conradie – June 2018

Latest Candida Issue – May 2018

Young Bird Disease – May 2018 (old article)

Latest on Salmonellosis – May 2018

Medpet products working well at Victoria Falls World Challenge Race – Feb 2018

Pigeon testing newsletter – September 2017

Pigeon testing: August 2017 status update

NEW product: FACTOR 5 – July 2017

NEW: Salmonella Test Kit, and diagnostic service – June 2017

Respiratory Tract Infections – June 2017

Newsletter: latest pigeon-testing results (August 2016)

Video of talk by Dr Colin Walker of Australia on 22 April 2016

Medpet to host talk by Dr Colin Walker of Australia on 9 April 2016

Notification: Medpet’s diagnostic pigeon testing service for 2016

Gary Daykin “The Magician” pigeon fancier  by Mike Lakin, February 2016

Ken Groves’ tips for young fanciers  Feb 2016

Pigeon Testing Results in SA in 2015  by Dr Rob Conradie

Counterfeit MEDPET products exposed – don’t be a victim of fraud (January 2015)

13-year-old winner at Carnival Lofts, Medpet Junior Race (August 2014)

Product launch: MEDI-BREW herbal tea for pigeons (August 2014)

Great success at Carnival City race for Medpet user (Jan 2013)

Pigeon Pox (updated Dec 2012)

Top results fom Medpet user in UK – news from Gary Daykin (updated September 2012)

SANPO show in Cradock (May 2012)

Pox problems?  Introducing the new Medipox… (November 2010)

Thank you Medpet / Dankie Medpet – National Loft South (Sep 2010)

Exceptional racing results – N Evans, Teesside Federation, UK  (Aug 2010)

Tips for vaccination (October 2009)

Post race report – Medpet Inter Provincial, Port Nolloth (October 2009)

The Medpet Inter Provincial Race from Port Nolloth (August 2009)

Immunity and the immune system in BIRDS (July 2009)

Product launch – Medpet RT14: cleaning & disinfection (July 2009)

The Medpet Kouga Combine (June 2009) Henri Stiglingh

J-Bay Medpet Lofts in High Demand (Hoog in Aanvrag)  (Nov 2008) Henri Stiglingh

Million Dollar – Feb 2008

Eerste in Suid Afrika  (A first in South Africa) (Feb 2008), Henri Stiglingh explores a great way to encourage the sport of pigeon racing

Blackpool – Feb 2008  The experiences of Medpet rep, Morne Smit

Product launch – Intestum (November 2007)

The importance of Calcium supplementation in birds (November 2007) Wim Peters

Stonehaven Lofts, UK The secrets of their success (August 2007)

SAFPA National Championships 2007 (July 2007)

Understanding preventing and treating Young Bird Disease (YBD) in pigeons (May 2006)

The optimal health program (According to some well known fanciers – November 2005)

New Product for Resistant Strains of Trichomonias

Medimune and Lewerstim now available in tablet form

Pigeon disease break out June 2004


Medpet is a supplier of premium, scientifically formulated, avian and pigeon products (in addition to products for companion animals such as dogs and cats) and is based in South Africa. Medpet has in the last few years made dramatic advances in the scientific treatment and prevention of pigeon diseases. Below is a synopsis of some of the wonderful results have obtained by using the Medpet products.  (For more general information about Medpet, who we are, and what we do, see our About Us section)


If you possess a well constructed loft, quality pigeons and a fair racing system you have no excuse if your performance is handicapped by pigeons not being at the peak of their health.


Sick pigeons don’t win races, and furthermore sick pigeons don’t breed champions!  The routine use of vitamins, electrolytes, amino acids, oils and natural performance enhancers are all part of keeping racing birds in peak condition.  Take a look at our suggested program by following the link. A word of faith from a US fancier Mr. D.C. Millett of Mesa, Arizona, after his recent visit to the Million Dollar Race in South Africa: “While I am certainly no expert on pigeon medication, I do know that only the healthiest pigeons win. I also know that if you just treat for the basics of canker, cocci, worms and respiratory, as every successful fancier does, that it can be very expensive using European products. I’ve found the Medpet products I’ve used, to be as good as any, better than many and by far, the easiest to afford!”


Well, it’s all very well for us to tell you about ourselves and our great range of products, but who better to sing our praises than people who use our products … satisfied customers.  And wouldn’t it be better still if top fanciers with proven results were using Medpet products?Just take a look at some of the comments and testimonials below (many that are made by people who don’t require introduction, but we’ll give an idea of their success anyway, just in case…).  Either scroll down to read them in succession, or click on a name below to be taken directly to that section.

DAVE CLAUSING (USA) – Sun City Million Dollar Winner, 2003

Dave Clausing

World renowned for his racing performances as well as being a top breeder, David Clausing has sent some very complimentary letters to Medpet over the years.  Here are a few of them…

Letter from Dave and Anna Clausing, 14 December 2011:

“Dear Joanne (Medpet)

We have had a very successful year with our birds and the Medpet products.
We have over 40  wins and co-wins (1st drop) in USA one loft races, up to and including our only 400 mile event we entered this year. Your products are the only additions we add to our own feed pellet we have made for all our birds; breeders, and racers alike. We have had many customers do very well also, here and around the world. For results and photos of our wins and winning birds, go to our website: …”

Email update to the above one, from the Clausings, 11 Jan 2012:
“… We also won hotspot 4 in Carnival City last week that we are very proud of…”

And another email update from the Clausings, 7 Feb 2012:
“… We found out that the # 1 ACE bird at Sun City is our blood!!! We also won 2 of 3 races in Las Vegas …


David and Anna Clausing”

Letter from Dave Clausing, 10th February, 2009:
I received my first MEDPET products in 2003 shortly before I won the 2003 Million Dollar race.   I have used the MEDPET line of pigeon products (and wormers for my guard dogs) exclusively ever since.  I live in a very hot, humid climate where everything – good and bad  – grows very well, especially and including health problems. The MEDPET line of products has everything I need to keep everything in check and in superb health.I use several of the feed additive products in my pelleted feed formula which I have made specially and feed to everyone including babies, breeders, and racers.   I alternate regularly on a monthly basis using the MEDPET wormers, canker products, vitamin supplements, and other products as needed.I win many one loft races in the U.S.A., and can attribute that to the great health I am able to send my babies out in, and I also credit the Medimune tablets used in the government quarantine station with helping to provide my recent wins and #1 ACE bird (87+ amazing minutes ahead) in the Allflite one loft race series at Carnival City South Africa.I have been told that I have won more one loft races than any one else in the world.Thank you MEDPET.Sincerely,David Clausing
Great products, for great health = good luck.

…And another letter from David by email, 29th March 2003, after his incredible win of the Million Dollar pigeon race:

Dear Medpet,

My stay in Africa could not have been much more perfect, topped off with the Million Dollar race win.

I have been close on several occasions in a partnership in 1997 2nd place, then on my own, 3rd place in 2002#1 ACE bird in 1998two times 2nd overall ACE pigeon, and a country challenge winner for Team USA in 2001, all at Sun City.

Your products are working well, the breeders and youngsters look better than any year ever before. Along with superior genetics and your obviously superior products, I would anticipate even more consistent results in 2003 and 2004. I know that a good start for the babies from healthier breeders translates into more fantastic racers.

I have used your wormer pills (Mediworm) with the greatest results I have ever had! Before I would need to use three different wormers to do the same job as your wormer pills do.

Some of my most proven breeding hens are quite tired and over worked, pushed for mass production. Some were not laying good shelled eggs any longer, but now are, thanks to your vitamin and mineral products. I have used all of the Calcibird already. I think it may have revitalized (or should I say re – mineralized) those fatigued super breeders. I have pre – medicated my breeders with several of your medications to clean them out. Now I am using more of the vitamin products to maintain this new, improved condition.

It has been a month and a half using your products, so we may be scratching the surface so far of their successfulness.

I look forward to this next race season, with elevated expectations.

Sincerely yours,

David Clausing

 …And in unlikely event that you are not familiar with David’s achievements, here is a glimpse of some of them from two South African events…Clausing Million Dollar Race History
1997- David and partners took 2nd prize in the very first MDPR and 2nd ACE pigeon.
1998- 1st Hot Spot average speed winner.
1999- 2nd Hot Spot ACE bird.
2001- Country Challenge winner for Team U.S.A.
2002- 3rd with “Valentin” when there were only 4 day birds (winning $75,000 for 3rd) as well as 36th place winning another $3,000.
2003- 1st prize winner with “Never Say Die” $200,000.00 winner, plus 26th and 68th.
2004- 24th, 26th, 45th, and 90th – 4 in the top 100.  Clausing customer wins #1 Hot Spot ACE bird.
2005- 4th with “Heidi” $56,840.00, when there were only 24 day birds.  Customer wins car on Hot Spot 2 and another customer wins the Country Challenge for Team U.S.A.
2006- 99th and 101st.  U.S.A. customers win 11th and 19th.
2007- 104th with a bird named “MEDPET”.
2009- 1st in one of the training races against 3,500 birds with “Dana”.  Customer won 5th Hot Spot and 1st grand average speed winner. Clausing Carnival City History
2003- Grand average speed bird “Marge” (1st in grand averages).
2009- 4th prize winner and 1st overall ACE bird winner “Heidi” (over 87+ amazing minutes ahead).This only shows a summary of two of the bigger South African events and does not show David’s achievements in other countries across the globe, or in his home country the USA.  We are delighted to have a pigeon racer & breeder of David’s calibre as a supporter of Medpet’s products.


Medpet is very proud to be able to list Gary Daykin as a regular user of our products.

Brief Profile of Gary Daykin from Nottingham, UK

The national winning loft of Gary Daykin is considered one of the top racing lofts in the UK. In the nineties Gary’s dominance at club and federation level was breath-taking…
In 1995, 1996 and 1997 alone Gary won 105 x 1st prizes, 92 x 2nd prizes, 2 x gold medals and 2 x silver medals. He also, on no less than 16 occasions, took the first 3 positions in the federation and on occasions the first 9 positions, competing against 3000+ birds.

Gary’s dominance was so phenomenal that he decided to cease club and federation competition and concentrate solely on national flying. In 1998 in his very first ever national race Gary took 1st and 2nd open against 5600 birds.

Since then he has won 9 nationals plus many more minor positions, 5 gold medals, 9 silver medals and 2 new cars.  It is safe to say that his record marks him out as a true champion.

Gary Daykin

From an email that Gary sent to Medpet in February 2012:

“The 2011 season was quite exceptional I topped the section no less than 4 times in UK National races plus 10 other positions in the top 5 and was runner up to the National Champion. I would like to thank Medpet for their excellent products; I have complete confidence in them.

Gary Daykin”

PAUL STOBBS – Stonehaven Lofts, UK

Paul Stobbs, of Stonehaven Lofts in County Durham in England, is another international pigeon fancier who has achieved on a very impressive scale, and has confidence in the Medpet range of products.In his first season racing young birds only (2006), his partnership won:
   – 17 x 1st places at club level
   – 7 x 1st places at Federation level
   – 8 x 2nd places at Federation level
   – 9 x 3rd places at Federation level
   – 8 x 5th places at Federation levelThey also:
   – came in the first 30 of the Federations 98 times
   – were the top prize winner in the Federation
   – set a record by having the first 9 position in the Federation from the Young Bird National, being 2nd, 8th, 9th, 13th, 14th, 17th, 24th, 37th,    40th, 51st, 65th and 75th Open West Durham Amalgamation, 6,600 birds competing at a distance of 270 milesWhen asked why he used Medpet products and what it was he liked about them, this is what Paul had to say:
“I looked at lots of different products on the market and studied which top fanciers were quoted as to using which products.  I noticed that many of the top fanciers were using Medpet products.  In particular, the Champion Old Bird three years in succession in the mighty Up North Combine, which has 7 National races, and the birdage for the 7 races with more than 100,000 pigeons, was won by pigeons which came from lofts where the Medpet products were used on a regular basis.”He also said “ In my opinion the products are very consistent and the quality is excellent.  The products work very well and I believe the reason my pigeons do not need a lot of medication is because the immune system is working at a very high level due to the regular use of the Medpet tablets and I also use Medimune powder, Viroban and Premolt regularly on my young bird team.” Follow this link to read more about Paul Stobbs and Stonehaven Lofts (an article from Pigeon News). 


Letter from Ken Groves (October 2014)MEDPET PIGEON PRODUCTS                    15.10.2014

     It is with great pleasure that I can announce the performance and achievements of my pigeons over the past racing season.  I am a member of the Dynamos racing pigeon club based in Stilfontein N.W. who, in turn is a member club of the Sentraal Noordwes Unie.  The S.N.W.U. consists of eleven clubs spread over nine towns namely Klerksdorp, Orkney, Stilfontein, Hartbeestfontein, Koster, Venterdorp, Mafikeng, Lichtenburg and Sannieshof with a membership of 111 participating teams.

    The racing program commenced on the 22.05.2015 starting at Bloemfontein and the furthermost race point being Beaufort West C.T.  The four last races on this year’s program were respectively flown from Drie Susters, Victoria West, Britstown and Strydenburg N.C. ending on 04.10.2014.  The reason for this was to avoid the very hot weather towards the end of the season.

     This now brings me to the reason for writing this letter.  Previously I used the full range of Medpet pigeon products with excellent results, achieving top honours in the N.W.R.U. and the W.P.U.

     However, in 2013, I decided to change my program and use a range of different products, tailored to my own design.  This was one of the reasons for that year’s dismal results,  (a lesson now well learned, not to attempt to fix something that is not broken).

     This year, I decided to go back to my old program, using the full range of Medpet pigeon products, and again I achieved excellent results.  I take this opportunity to thank Medpet for making your excellent products available to most pet and pigeon shops throughout the country, and at an affordable price.  Medpet products most certainly live up to the standards claimed.  I follow your program in general although I do have various combinations to suit my pigeon’s needs.

     Hereunder are the results as follows:
Dynamos racing pigeon club – 1st Young bird points – 1st Open bird point and 1st overall points
Fed. Results – 2nd Young birds; 1stOpen points and 1st overall points
Union results – 2nd young birds; 1st Open points and 1st overall points
Short distance champion
Short distance west road champion
Middle distance champion
Long distance champion
Overall champion

     The young bird champion is the late Dirk van der Nest from Klerksdorp racing pigeon club.

     To Joanne, management and staff, I thank you for the advice and friendliness I receive whenever I phone or visit at Medpet

Yours sincerely
Ken Groves.

Letter from Ken Groves (March 2012)
Dear Joanne and the staff of Medpet.

I once again use this opportunity to thank you for your products.  With this letter I wish to report the performance of my racing pigeon during the past season 2011.

I am a member of the Western Pigeon Union (W.P.U) in the North West and did not participate in the sport during the year of 2010, this put me at a disadvantage for 2011 season as I had mainly, only young birds to fly.  However it was not all doom and gloom we still managed to achieve the following results in the W.P.U.  We ended 6th overall with a membership of plus minus 120 members in the Klerksdorp, Orkney, Stilfontein (KOSH) area.  We finished first overall with plus minus 45 members.  Once again we attribute this, to the excellent good health achieved and maintained by the regular use of the Medpet products.  The whole range of medicine as well as your supplements of vitamins, amino and probiotics is definitely top quality products that are freely available in all pet shops and animal health shops throughout the country.  I certainly can and do recommend then to old and young fanciers alike.  I would also like to report that the pox vaccines used by many fanciers whom I personally know experienced a 100% success growth amongst their pigeons this year.

Regards to you and your staff
Sincerely yours
Ken and Sheila Groves.

Letter from Ken Groves (March 2008):
“Hi Jo-Anne (Medpet)
Ever since I started using Medpet products, the performance of my pigeons has improved year after year. During the 2007 season, I was once again overall club champion – open champion and 2nd young bird champion.  In the union, I managed to end the season 3rd on average out of approximately 160 members.
All the Medpet products I have used, I found conform to their claims; however, Viroban is an excellent remedy if the birds are ill, out of form and during the races, as well as to the birds in the breeding loft. I would recommend this product in any situation.”
Letter from Ken Groves  (2005):
“I have been racing pigeons out of the ‘Stilfontein Posduif Klub’ for many years, and have been the club champion many times. ‘Stilfontein Posduif Klub’ is affiliated to the ‘Noordwes Resiesduif Unie’ which consists of 9 clubs with a membership of 89 teams in 2005. I have been placed in the top 5 averages on numerous occasions and for the past 3 years my pigeons have produced excellent results:2003 – Overall Union Champion2004 – 3rd Union Averages2005 – Union Yearling Champion2005 – West Route Champion2005 – Overall Union Champion2005 – 1st MDPR Club championship (Scottish Leader)I have used Medpet products for many years.Sincerely
Ken Groves, Stilfontein”


Successful UK fanciers Ian and David Maddison have won 30 First Federation and 23 Second Federation Races from 2002 – 2007, with birdages 2500 to 3000+ birds competing. In 2007 they also won the North East Homing Union Furturity Race, open to all members of the Union winning £8.300.   They have been top prize winners in their Federation for many years.  Ian is in the picture on the right.Memo from Dave & Ian Maddison in 2007″In the last four years, we have won:Twenty-four 1st FederationsNineteen second federations, andNumerous other federation positions without duplicationWinners of the Inland Averages in Club and Federation old birds and young birds in the last four years. (Average birdage in the federation 2,000 – 3,000 pigeons.)In 2005 winners of the Section Averages by 204 points- average birdage 5,000 pigeonsWayside Emperor won the Up North Combine (UK) Bird of the Year 2005In 2005 winners of the Section Averages by 204 points- average birdage 5,000 pigeonsThis bird was also awarded a Meritorious Award for the Best Bird up to 300 miles by the Confederation of Long Distance Racing Unions of Great Britain and Ireland
Our pigeons have been conditioned with Medpet products under the guidance of Kevin Winter. Our intention is to continue using these products with the aim of continued success. We would have no hesitation recommending other fanciers in using the Medpet range of products.

Dave and Ian Maddison.”


“My first contact with Medpet goods was 8 years ago when I participated MDPR in South Africa. At that time I bought Medizole and Coximed. I was very much satisfied with their applications so me and my friend – the best pigeon fancier in Czech Republic – studied all the offered product by Medpet, and when we came to Sun City for MDPR next year I bought a lot of new medicaments there: – 
Mediworm, Ronsec, Mediprim, Meditrich, Doxybiotic, Cankerex-plus.

I´m using all these medicines till now and I´m very satisfied with their effects. As a supplement of food it was recommended to us Medimune – we use it in time of nesting and racing and have great results with it!

I think as it is very important that Medpet has not only great products but also very professional staff – very friendly and approachable.  We have never had any problem with consignments to Europe. Unfortunately there is no representation in Europe because it would help to many pigeon fanciers to get much better results in races, as it was in our case.

Not only in our local region but also in the whole Czech Republic our pigeons are every year placed up to 3rd position (price). I´m sure that we have these great results also because the quality of Medpet products.

All the best

Martin Kodl in the Medpet stand at the Sun City Million Dollar race, Jan 2012

Martin Kodl at Medpet stand, Sun City 2012

NORMAN NICOL – Worcester, South Africa

Letter received from Norman, April 2008.“HiMy name is Norman Nicol from Worcester.Last year I started the season very dismally. The first two races from Laingsburg I ended 22nd and 21st in our club.  This prompted me to take my pigeons to the local vet to be examined. After her examination she told me to dose my birds with Medpet’s Doxybiotic powder, followed by probiotics (Medpet’s Entero-Plus). This really helped:
I won the next Leeu Gamka in the club, and improved my bird’s performance through the year, ending the year with 4 club wins and 15 places in the local Federations (this bird had never won anything before it began using the Medpet products).The best achievement for me this year was the Britstown race (560 km). This one bird has very good parents and has done almost nothing in his first year. Britstown on the day was raining and windy, almost storming weather as only the Cape can have. The usual timing time came and went. Nobody in Worcester had a bird. Suddenly out of nowhere this Bleu Bard cock SA CW 1189 05 arrives.  I phone my friends to hear if they had received birds. This was 14:50 pm.  Everybody I phoned said they don’t believe me. They had no birds. Not even the union champion.  I won the Club, Federation and Union with this bird. The next bird in the Union was clocked at 15:30.  My pigeon was fit and healthy thanks to the Medpet products that I had started using according to my limited budget.  I regularly use Longstim, Aminovit-H, and Lewerstim, as well as Speed Plus about every second or third race.The other race where I did well was the Colesberg race (680km). That Saturday night 21:00 we rang out the pigeons. Every fancier in the club only had 1 and at most 2 pigeons back on the day. I had 6 pigeons back on the day and was second in the race. This was a clear sign to me that your product is ahead in all fields.Thanks for this experience.You’re supported for the rest of my pigeon racing career.Norman Nicol”


The extensive use of, and continuous demand for, the Medpet product range by some of the best pigeon fanciers in the world shows the value of treating racing pigeons correctly, with quality products.  As per some of the comments above, a number of top fanciers clearly believe that the Medpet products have helped them to achieve and retain a competitive edge.  Other less-known fanciers have found that they have remarkably raised their performance levels, enabling them to compete at the top, after starting to use Medpet products.
Champions from South Africa and across the globe to the UK, Europe, Eastern Europe, USA, Canada, Middle East, and Far East, cannot all be wrong.