Medpet is a supplier of premium, scientifically formulated, companion animal and avian products  and is based in South Africa (“companion animal” meaning pet animals such as dogs, cats, parrots, etc).  In this section you will find a selection of news and articles which relate to the companion animal side of Medpet’s business, and below those is a sample of some testimonials vouching for the quality of the Medpet products.  (For more general information about Medpet, who we are, and what we do, see our About Us section)


Great NEW product for animals: REVIVE

Product launch: Medi-Gut for dogs & cats, March 2016

Pet Assist – letter to vets (August 2013)

Dog/cat anthelmintic chart – aimed at veterinarians, this chart provides information on the different de-wormers avaialable for dogs and cats (as at July 2013)

Immunity in animalsProduct launch – IntestiPet: a synbiotic for dogs and cats  (June 2009)

Joint care … why Arthrimed?

Treatment tips for cage birds  


Client testimonials: ARTHRIMED

23 February, 2015

Thank you for your replies. I hope that MEDPET will consider creating an MSM supplement in the future.  In the meantime, thank you so much for Arthrimed! My chow has gone through a host of different brands.  
None has truly worked except Arthrimed.  In a few days she’s gone from not wanting to stand, to hobbling slowly on 3 legs, to walking happily! No exaggeration!
I hope also that you’ll eventually have a distributor in Malaysia as the many vets here now recommend Arthrimed above all.Regards,
Marina Suwendy (Malaysia)
15 July, 2005I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for a product such as Arthrimed. We have two dogs using Arthrimed and the product has improved their lives tremendously.The Bull Mastiff has elbow displacement in both front legs. He was put on Arthrimed tablets after his right leg was operated on. When the left front leg started giving trouble, we were advised by another vet to rather use a new product on the market, which he believed would be better than Arthrimed. We saw an immediate deterioration of his condition with the use of this new product – the dog had more pain and started limping. We thought that it might take a while for the product to start working, but after a month there was still no improvement in his condition. The left leg was then operated on and we immediately started using Arthrimed again.Our Boxer has under developed hips and underwent a hip replacement three years ago. Due to the fact that this was a very big operation, as well as the age of the dog (seven years old), we decided against surgery of the other hip, which was not as bad. Our vet recommended Arthrimed which he has used since then. He is now nine years old, very active and mobile. At the start of winter, we noticed that his movements were constricted and uncomfortable. We increased the Arthrimed dosage from two to three tablets per day, and within 3 days saw an improvement.Our dogs would definitely not have a quality life if it had not been for Arthrimed.Thank you very much! Karin Steyn (Pretoria)  

Client testimonial: FLY REPEL

February 2012, from respected veterinarian Dr Anthony Erasmus…

Fleas are a major headache in practice these days, especially with our high humidity and warm weather.  What clients do not realise is that new fleas are breeding out every day (not only this year’s eggs but last year and the year before).  Because new fleas appear on dogs every day, clients believe that the tried and trusted flea preventatives are no longer effective.  If one examines the dogs it is obvious that the dog has new, small, unengorged, today’s fleas on them.

What impresses the client is to apply Perthrin / Fly Repel to the animal’s coat on the consulting room table.  The cypermethrin has an excellent knockdown effect and fleas lie on their backs kicking on the table.  I found the residual effect to last up to a week.

I advise clients to use Perthrin in combination with the traditional flea products during the bad summer months.

Of course one also has the added benefit of killing ticks and protecting the animal against house and stable flies.

Dr Anthony Erasmus

10 February 2008, from Sister Anderson of Jo’burg Zoo…
Dear Joanne (of Medpet)


Many thanks for your kind donation of 3 litres of Fly Repel and 3 spray bottles to the Johannesburg Zoo.  It is much appreciated and will be used by our hoof-stock section.  As discussed with you telephonically, we are experiencing a terrible fly problem after all the rains, and Fly Repel is the only product that seems to be working to keep the flies away from the animals!Kind regardsSR VANESSA ANDERSON
Veterinary Nurse

Johannesburg Zoo  Client testimonial: MEDICOTE and BIO-VITA

13 March 2012 …

Jurie Kruger emailed us to say that he was impressed with the way these two products, when used together, helped to get rid of a skin condition that his bullterrier had been suffering from since it was a puppy.
Dear Estelle (at Medpet) My bullterrier had a skin problem since she was small.  The skin was very dry and red and her hair was not growing well.
I took her to different Vets that treated her for various skin ailments, but nothing helped.  We then read on the internet that Vitamin E was needed.
We had a look at your website, because I have been using your bird products for a long time.  I saw Biovita and phoned your office to order it.  One of the ladies in your office told us to alternate the Biovita and Medicote, which we did.  Within 2 weeks her hair started growing and the redness of her skin disappeared.  About 2 months later her skin was 100%.
Thank you for your good products and friendliness.(See Jurie’s photograph for the condition of Katriena’s coat having used these two products)
Original emails:Hi Estelle
My bullterrier het maar van kleins af gesukkel met n slegte vel. Haar vel was baie droog en rooi en die hare het gesukkel om te groei.
Ek het haar by verskye veartse gehad en hulle het haar behandel vir verskye vel siektes maar niks het gehelp nie, toe lees ons op die internet dat vitamin E baie nodig is.
Ons het toe op julle site kom loer aangesien ek julle voel produkte al baie lank gebriuk toe kom ons op Biovita af en toe ek julle bel op van dit te bestel het een van die dames daar by julle vir my gese dat ons die Biovita en Medicote moet afwisel, ons het dit toe gedoen en binne 2 weke het ons gesien dat die hare begin groei het en die rooiheid van die vel het verdwyn so 2 maande later was my hond se vel 100%.Baie dankie vir julle goeie produkte en vriendelikheid.
Jurie Kruger
 … Aangeheg n foto van my bullterier “Katriena”, kyk net hoe mooi is haar vel
en dis alles te danke aan julle medicote en Biovita produkte.

Client testimonial: MEDIMUNE TABLETS

14 September, 2005

I would like to thank you (Medpet) for the research, and eventual introduction of Medimune tablets, which is truly the answer to my question i.e. how to improve immunity in small animals.After Ringworm was diagnosed on my dogs on 27 July 2005, I urgently had to get help for these 5 week old puppies, whose new owners were anxiously waiting for them.  In addition to the usual medical treatment, I also administered extra vitamins, of which there are many available in the market.Veterinarians were probably tired of all my questions regarding immunity, until an efficient nurse at Sinoville Animal Clinic gave me the answer on 12 August 2005 – Medimune Tablets from Medpet. I immediately started giving it to my puppies at an increased dosage of 1 tablet per day for a small Yorkshire Terrier puppy, many of whom at that stage are not even 500 grams.Well…. it is with great appreciation that I can today confirm that the puppies’ immunity system has improved so much that their systems are successfully combating the lesions.  If they even appear at all, lesions now disappear within 1- 2 days. These puppies had poor immune systems due to various historic problems with their mother.The administration of Medimune Tablets to each dog, will from now on, be part of each day’s routine.With sincere thanks and appreciation Elma Roos

Client testimonials: ARTHRITIS CARE

9 January, 2013

Dear Joanne
You will remember I contacted you recently to ask whether you had any suppliers in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape, as I was trying desperately to get some of MEDPET’S ARTHRITIS CARE tablets for my dog (picture below).

Thank you very much for you help; I was able to get some from Vetsure. I am thrilled with the ARTHRITIS CARE product.
2 years ago our dachshund was unable to walk at all. She just dragged her hind legs and after numerous visits to our vet and a large amount of money spent, we heard about your MEDPET product (ARTHRITIS CARE). My daughter managed to obtain the tablets and within 2 weeks our dachshund was running all over the place again!

The vet had said that he could do nothing more for her and my husband was going to make a brace with wheels to attach to her lower body so that she could be mobile. A friend of money was asking for advice on Facebook for her dachshund which has the same problem.  Her vet told her he could operate and it would cost R10 000 but had no guarantees … and this is why I was trying to get the tablets for her to try on her dog before spending so much money.

Thank you so much for your help, and once again, thank you for such a wonderful product.

Have a great day.

Karen Tessendorf
Tessendorf Dachshund

Attention Annalize (from Medpet)

22 February, 2008

Please allow me to offer my sincere thanks for the trouble you went through in delivering one bottle of Arthritis Care to my residence in Keurboom Street, Roodepoort.When I first read about this product I thought “yeah right another sales gimmicklike this stuff is going to cure my 12 year old cat of arthritis!”  Nevertheless, out of desperation I contacted about eight different veterinary practices on the West Rand who all informed me they do not stock this product. This made me even more suspicious.  To cut a long story short I decided to risk R100 and you delivered this product to my house.After I’ve been using this product for a month I can now testify that Arthritis Care really does work. My cat has never been in better condition and he is acting like a six-month old kitten with a real zest for life.In closing I can recommend this product to any pet lover who has a need to use it and I would like to place an order for a further two bottles of Arthritis Care to be delivered to my residence if possible at all.  If this is not possible please advise me of the closest stockist of Arthritis Care in the Roodepoort area. Thank you very much for making this product available to pets suffering for arthritis. Trusting you find the above in order I await your favourable reply.
Kind Regards

Desere Steenberg and “Mufasa”

22 July 2010

Dear Medpet

My 10 year old German Shepherd battled to get up in the morning and he could not climb the stairs. After taking the pills (Arthritis Care) for 2 weeks I saw a vast difference and he seemed more mobile and started running around the garden as he use to.Yours sincerely”Satisfied customer”, Durbanville (see picture of the happy dog below)Image of satisfied dog

10 August, 2010 

(sent to Medpet by email)

Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 12:53 PM
Subject: Arthritis Care

I wanted to send you a letter to thank you for the Arthritis Care product.
I called your offices a few weeks ago and asked about this product for my 8 year old husky, as he has shown signs of hip dysplasia and arthritis.
I spoke to a woman named Estelle, who was more than willing to chat to me about the product and reassured me that it would make a difference.
6 weeks into giving my Husky these tablets, and I can’t believe the difference. (I saw a huge difference after only 2 and a half weeks of use).
I’ve had to carry him up and down the stairs of my house because he was too nervous and didn’t have the strength. Now, he happily walks down the stairs every day and finds it easier to move around. I still carry him up – but I think it’s because he enjoys it now!
I would recommend this product to anyone who’s dog suffers from arthritis.  With a good anti inflammatory combined with Arthritis Care, your dog will be happy and comfortable in no time.
Kind Regards
Lisa-Marie Germishuizen
Craighall Park

Client testimonial: OROZYME

Feb 2012

Orozyme has been a great addition to the weaponry that I have available to wage the war against plaque, calculus, gingivitis and periodontitis in dogs and cats.

The eight enzymes contained in Orozyme have very specific physiological effects in the mouth.

The Lacto peroxidise / glucose oxidase enzymes convert the complex starches and sugars in food which will form plaque on teeth, into glucose, immediately post prandially.  This, together with the abrasive action of the Orozyme gel with brushing, helps remove the plaque.

The Glucoamylase and Amylase further helps in the conversion of starches to glucose which is absorbed by the animal’s mucous membrane, thus starving the bacteria present in dental tartar.

Potassium thiocyanate is bacteriocydal.  Superoxide Dismutase is a free radical scavenger which reduces inflammation of gums, preventing gingivitis and periodontitis.

Lactoferrine and Lysozyme are antiseptic, further helping prevent gingivitis, periodontitis and halitosis.

I found clinically, that Orozyme is well accepted by both dogs and cats.  It stimulates saliva flow and licking improves the mechanical action of the tongue, further helping to remove plaque.  The reduction in halitosis is dramatic.

 The chronic lymphocytic / plasmacytic gingivitis in cats is kept under control together with the other mainstay treatments.

In addition, my veterinary nurse uses Orozyme to polish the teeth after dental scaling.  A small quantity applied to the polishing instruments cup gives a very smooth finish to the dental enamel (and leaves enzymes behind to perform their task).  I recommend it on the invoice on discharge.  It is a nice practice builder, especially if your whole staff is Orozyming.

Reference “Salivary Lysozyme, Lactoferrine and Perioxidases:  Antibacterial effects and clinical applications in preventable dentistry”.  

Dr Anthony Erasmus